January 3, 2010

A New Year .. a New chapter

Holy crap, when did it become 2010?? Wasn't it just 2002 not too long ago?

Anyways, The start to 2010 is off to a bang. I began my first two classes as a Wilton Instructor! My first month will see me teaching a course I and a course IV. My Course I class began today and I must say, I was pretty nervous! Im a drama major. I know how to speak in public and how to teach. But even I felt like I was a little school girl on her first day!

My class is a full 12 students, All eager to learn and I'm the one to show them guidance. The first class is basically just watching me, so it is 2 hours of me talking. I'm sure by the end no one wanted to hear me anymore! However I did have a good chat with some of the ladies and a lot of my class are planning to take almost all of the other courses. I even had a few ask me if I would be teaching Course II next month so they could take it with me. Alas, I am not teaching Course II:(

Anyways, the class went well, and I know get to prepare for my course IV tomorrow. At least in there I get to play with the gumpaste along with my students!

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